The Olympics give us the opportunity to display our knowledge, skills, and effort. In this case we’re talking about Panama’s Math Olympics. Panama has this type of activities for students of all schools.
Stephanie Vergara from 8 grade A, participated and advanced to the third phase. “It is a really fun and exciting experience,” she said.
Since she started middle school, she focused on studying math and she wondered if Panama had the Olympics, so she researched and found that the inscriptions were still open. Her mother asked her if she wanted to participate, she could register her. She only talked to the principal and some teachers to ask them if that was all right with them.
All the students had to prepare themselves and study a guide that contained all the topics that the test covers. She studied everything by herself, and managed to be on the list of the 200 students who advanced to the next phase, in which she will be training with her math teacher.