School-news · October 27, 2023


We all have a talent as in something that inspires us and makes us different. Everyone has a different talent, for example, there are people who like to dance, sing, draw, do some sport, write, cook, weave, etc.

For some people, it’s more like a hobby, but for others, they dream of being a professional or working on what they like. It’s not easy, but it isn’t impossible you need to have peace and put in the effort. Let me tell you how I made part of my dream of being an artist a reality.

  • First, practice. Try to learn new things and practice. Also, you can look for an academy with on-site or virtual courses.

  • Share your talent with others. Share it with your family, or friends, you can even share it on social media communities.
  • Meet people with the same talent as you. It will help if you ask for corrections or opinions and as you help others you’ll eventually get better.
  • If you want to have earnings, edit videos, compose music, or have some entrepreneurship. First, have a clear idea of what you want to do. Then, look for someone with experience who can guide you well, and last, just do it.

These are some things that I have learned since I started in the world of arts, I researched and learned by myself, and I met a lot of artists including  Panamanian artists that are studying arts and have helped me in this process.

You only need passion and a lot of effort.

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