School-news · October 13, 2021

High Honor and Honor rolls

II Term 2021

An Honor Roll is the written representation embodied in a document, which manifests the effort and dedication of the students, throughout the school year.  This position is memorable because there are not always the best conditions of daily life such as social, economic, or family problems and yet they continue to work hard and go the extra mile to fulfill all their duties and responsibilities.

Colegio Cristiano El Buen Pastor cares about providing the best tools such as infrastructure (temporarily virtual) and the selected group of teachers who work with a vocation to offer a good quality of education. And the fact that students are motivated to give their best in each of their subjects. 

This school congratulates its students on the result of this comprehensive evaluation, which includes civic values, academic scores, intelligence and initiative, and the constant work done day by day.

High School - Studies in Science

High School - Studies in Commerce

Middle School

Sometimes the effort and discipline are not reflected in the results numerically and there are students who although they make the same effort or more, do not manage to obtain the scores according to an honor roll or honorable mention. On the other hand, there are other students who find it very easy to get excellent grades without having had a rigid discipline, however, the latter are exceptions.
But even so, the first ones who have made an effort and have not achieved it, should not be demotivated, because each point achieved in this way is a collection of successes, so do not be discouraged because the main thing is to have a good attitude, the desire to overcome and never give up because sooner or later they will reach it and yield the fruits of their hard work and effort.

Colossians 3:23-24 NIV
23Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

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